It takes a village: SEO partnerships — Colette Casey // Mary Kay

Colette Casey, Manager of Analytics and SEO at Mary Kay, shares her insights on SEO partnerships and technical SEO for non-technical people. As a multinational company operating in over 35 countries, Mary Kay must ensure all its teams are involved in the SEO process for success. The key to streamlining stakeholder involvement and successfully implementing SEO strategies is partnerships. Today, Colette discusses it takes a village: SEO partnerships.
About the speaker

Colette Casey

Mary Kay

 is a little camera shy

Colette is Manager of Analytics and SEO at Mary Kay

Show Notes

  • 02:01
    Colettes journey into SEO
    Colette started in communications and learned to code HTML upon realizing the internet was another communications channel. Over time, this evolved to working with local businesses on a national level in the US and eventually progressed into international SEO.
  • 04:00
    SEO in a multinational enterprise
    Mary Kay's SEO efforts revolve around supporting its independent beauty consultants through how the brand is positioned online and found across market websites, social, and apps. Partnerships are key to how Mary Kay presents its brand story and brand presence online.
  • 06:06
    Building SEO partnerships within a multinational enterprise
    Mary Kay cultivates partnerships across management, creative teams, IT, and social partners to prioritize SEO's role in enhancing brand presence. This collaborative approach ensures meaningful content creation, technical issue resolutions, and synchronized efforts to optimize online visibility.
  • 10:18
    Successful implementation of SEO strategies through collaboration
    The key is communication and involving stakeholders. This involves integrating SEO into regional and market communications, educating stakeholders on SEO objectives, metrics, and establishing a baseline before implementation to demonstrate the impact of these strategies.
  • 11:48
    Navigating challenging personalities in SEO partnerships
    Meeting people where they are and understanding their priorities is crucial. Offering options that showcase the risks and benefits of different approaches while Tailoring communication to meet the needs of different departments is essential for successful partnerships.
  • 14:41
    How to build a village around SEO
    This process starts with conducting a technical audit involving IT and analytics personnel to address immediate issues within your control. Use Search Console data to identify red flags and communicate these findings to team members.
  • 17:21
    Maintaining trust in SEO partnerships amidst Google changes
    Convey SEO changes to partners and stakeholders via dedicated channels to keep them up to date. While change is a constant with Google, having a solid SEO foundation and producing meaningful content to maintain authority is critical for resilience throughout these changes.


  • "Success in achieving SEO outcomes comes down to communication and meeting people where they are. You have to find out what's important to that person and understand that they have other pressures." - Colette Casey

  • "Stakeholder involvement is about giving people options, but then also showing what they're risking by not implementing helps them to better understand from their perspective." - Colette Casey

  • "There's always going to be change with Google. If you have a strong foundation, youre clean technically, you're producing good, meaningful content, then you can withstand the storms of Google." - Colette Casey

  • "With LLMs, the origin is still the same. It's still answering someone's question. We're just getting better at human speak." - Colette Casey

  • "AI is looking for authority. It's looking for confidence that the person talking has that authority, is responsible, and that they're providing good content. " - Colette Casey

About the speaker

Colette Casey

Mary Kay

 is a little camera shy

Colette is Manager of Analytics and SEO at Mary Kay

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